Bronze Fairy : Twinkabell & Dove : Blue



Bronze Fairy : Twinkabell with a Dove : Blue

Hollow Cast Bronze Statues UK -:- Hollow Cast Bronze Sculptures UK

Introducing our hollow cast bronze Fairy : Twinkabell with a Dove in Her Hand Sculpture in Blue, from a design by Joy Cox of Escar UK Bronze, an enchanting Fairy boasting a beautiful patination of brown, blue and skin tones, which further accentuates its allure

Created using the traditional bronze lost wax casting method, this piece is lightweight and easy to handle and with dimensions of 30cm long x 15cm wide x 25cm high and weighing 2.5 kilos, it’s the perfect size for displaying in your home or garden

Whether you’re a collector of fine art or simply looking for a unique and captivating piece to add to your decor, this hollow cast bronze Fairy Twinkabell with a Dove in Her Hand is sure to delight and inspire

So indulge in a touch of enchantment by inviting the stunning bronze Fairy Twinkabell and her loyal Dove friend, into your home or garden today


Hollow Cast Bronze Fairy Twinkabell with a Dove in Her Hand Sculpture


Patination : Brown / Blue / Skin Tones

Material : Hollow Cast Bronze

Method : Bronze Lost Wax Casting

Dimensions : Approx. 30cm long by 25cm high by 15cm wide

Weight : Approx. 2.5 Kilos

Designed by Joy Cox : 2021



For lovers of the enchanting World of Fairies, see our

Bronze Fairy : Twinkabell with a Dove : Brown

Bronze Fairy : Allette in a Gold Bodice 

and for something completely different, check out

Bronze Schnauzer Bitch : Suki


Created from a Design by Joy Cox and Escar UK Bronze : 2024

Escar UK Bronze : Bronze Fairy -:- Twinkabell with a Dove -:- Blue

Hollow Cast Bronze Statues UK -:- Hollow Cast Bronze Sculptures UK

Wikipedia :- For further information on Lost Wax Casting -: The Crucible