Escar UK Bronze : The Care & Maintenance of Bronze


Patination is the enhancement of bronze by the application of chemicals to produce different colour finishes. The  acids and chemicals used in our workshops are a closely guarded secret as they produce some of the finest and most spectacular finishes to be seen on bronze today


Bronze may darken, turn green or even show streaks of yellow / white over time, depending on the climatic environment. Although many people like the look of aged bronze, you may wish to keep your statue as near to its original look as possible
Occasionally, small deposits of white ceramic may ‘bleed’ out of the bronze, this is natural and will stop in time. These deposits are easily cleaned away by following the tips below
Once clean, allow to air dry then apply a coat or two of wax polish with a boot brush. When using cleaning agents, always be aware of adverse effects on plants and aquatic life


Indoors : Bronze ages slowly and only needs an occasional dusting with a soft cloth or brush and an occasional application of wax polish
Outdoors : For water features and statues kept outside, more attention will be required, depending on the situation
Clean debris with a brush and soapy water : NEVER use strong chemicals, solvents or abrasives, as this will certainly affect the finish


If left without any protection bronze, like most metals, will oxidize with time
Although furniture wax produces good results, our preference is Kiwi shoe polish, dark brown for the darker patination (not tan as this can create a red hue) and clear for the green / blue colours. Apply the wax generously, working it into features and folds
Water features may benefit from a second application and more frequent attention, especially in hard-water conditions
When dry, buff thoroughly with a brush or cloth
With outdoor features, any debris or ceramic deposits caught in the more complex areas of your sculpture can be teased out with a soft lead pencil
Please note: the colours on this website are only a guide as patination can differ according to the craftsman and his technique
Bespoke commissions can be undertaken from the design through to casting and patination