Escar UK Bronze : Bronze Commissions : UK

Preserving the Memory of your Loved Ones in Bronze : For Eternity

Escar UK Bronze produce bronze commissions for both public and private collections, preserving the memory of your loved ones in bronze for eternity

Escar UK Bronze control the entire process from research and design, right through to casting, patination and delivery

We also offer a full installation service both in the UK and abroad

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Constance M Heneckie

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Lady Anne on a Bench

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Koens

Bronze Commissioned Statue : The Jones’s Children

Bronze Commissioned Statue : L.S Lowry

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Jack Judge

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Lord Montagu of Beaulieu

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Lt. Col. Robert Duckenfield

Bronze Commissioned Statue : John the Pieman

Bronze Commissioned Statue : Tipping the Denton Linney

 Escar UK Bronze : Commissions for Public & Private Collections
Hollow Cast Bronze Statues UK -:- Hollow Cast Bronze Sculptures UK
Wikipedia -:- For more information on Lost Wax Casting -:- The Crucible